- Places I've taken pictures on campus. http://yfrog.com/0td7luj #
Author Archives: Jamie Chung
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08
- I love password salts. Makes remembering your passwords a lot easier. Plus their unique and secure for each individual. #
- @LachyG you mean on top of the one we're already working on? hah. in reply to LachyG #
- My iPhone is stuck in an endless reboot loop. Fun. #
- @TheMauricio when are you leaving FL? in reply to TheMauricio #
- @TheMauricio what? For what? Are you going back down? I'll be on campus on Saturday. in reply to TheMauricio #
- My phone just crashed like the titanic. That was really strange. #
- I've tethered 500MB of data through my phone. Just this afternoon. #
- I've tethered 500MB of data through my phone. Just this afternoon. #
- @BSharkk that's girl son. You know what's up. in reply to BSharkk #
- VT is having problems with their IMAP/POP email servers. How convenient as I'm using that email with my resume. #
- #ps3mediaserver was awesome to setup. Absolutely no config and everything worked out of the box. #
- @jasonyates yeah. School doesn't start for another two weeks though. Still trying to hammer at that WHMCS script. Got my email? in reply to jasonyates #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01
- Wow. Dojo documentation really sucks. >_< #
- @jasonyates I thought you went back to the UK? in reply to jasonyates #
- So many pokes… so little time. https://www.jamiechung.me/_grabs/29_07_10_19_45_42.png #
- @gabbzzzz Girl, how've you been? #
- @LachyG Did you get my email? #
- @almantart You are ridiculous. I hope you end up marrying an #engineer hah. in reply to almantart #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25
- Apple iPhone 4 bumper refund. Score! http://yfrog.com/1f6nlwj #
- Considering getting the new xbox slim. #
- @thealexjackson yeah I can take care of that for you. Just tell him to email me his credentials so I can get him setup. in reply to thealexjackson #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-18
- #iphone4 #3G #speedtest http://yfrog.com/5awmqqj #
- @jasonyates hah seriously. What do you usually get? in reply to jasonyates #
- @clientexec thanks for having me! It's been quite fun so far. Especially around the #campfire in reply to clientexec #
- @LadyLee1204 why is that? Time for a testimonial! in reply to LadyLee1204 #
- @almantart @chaddyr23 haha. Then you wouldn't ever meet your other cousin. spend your life in the art room. get me to print out your papers. in reply to almantart #
- @LadyLee1204 how many did you end up getting? in reply to LadyLee1204 #
- Pimped out Prius! http://pixelpipe.com/item/eef604b5-6ace-43a7-a209-ef8271cac3dd #
- @Gabbzzzz Ouch. I still have to take my #wisdomteeth out. How many are you getting extracted? in reply to Gabbzzzz #
- I'm out of space… again. http://rrs.li/MP #
- @Gabbzzzz how are you feeling champ? in reply to Gabbzzzz #
- @LadyLee1204 how did you do? in reply to LadyLee1204 #
- Planning to return my iPhone 4 16GB and upgrade to 32GB. And I'll get a free bumper too 😀 Possibly can rig myself into getting two bumpers! #
- @LadyLee1204 and the winner is?… in reply to LadyLee1204 #
- @almantart yeah at the beach. And definitely at seaworld 🙂 in reply to almantart #
- @almantart like like like! in reply to almantart #